Sprout Fundraising & Consulting

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Fall Strategies to Maximize Holiday Giving

How to Demonstrate Your Impact in the Fall to Maximize Fundraising During the Holiday Season

As the summer draws to a close, the crisp air of fall signals more than just a change in the weather—it’s a reminder that the biggest giving season of the year is right around the corner. The holiday season is a crucial time for nonprofits, with a significant portion of annual donations coming in during the last quarter. But to maximize your fundraising success in December, you need to start laying the groundwork now.

September is the perfect time to warm up your donors by demonstrating the impact their contributions have made throughout the year. By showing them how their generosity has been put to work, you can build stronger relationships and set the stage for successful year-end fundraising. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Send a 3-4 Part Email Series Focused on Impact

Your donors want to know that their contributions are making a difference. A well-crafted email series is an excellent way to show them the tangible results of their support. Here’s how to do it:

  • Focus on Storytelling: Each email in the series should tell a compelling story about how your organization’s work has changed lives. Whether it’s a video of a beneficiary sharing their journey or a written testimonial, make sure the stories are personal and relatable.

  • Highlight Data and Results: Alongside the stories, include data that quantifies your impact. Show donors how many people you’ve served, how many meals you’ve provided, or how many families you’ve helped. Infographics can be a great way to make this data visually engaging.

  • No Asks, Just Stewardship: These emails should be purely focused on stewardship. Don’t include any donation asks—this series is all about showing donors how their investment has been used and making them feel good about their contribution.

  • Include Videos: Videos can be a powerful tool for storytelling. If possible, create short videos that highlight the impact of your programs. Videos can bring your mission to life in a way that words alone cannot.

By sending this series in September, you’re not only demonstrating your impact but also keeping your organization top of mind as donors begin to think about their year-end giving.

2. Host a Cultivation Event

Events are another effective way to engage your donors and deepen their connection to your mission. Whether virtual or in-person, a cultivation event allows you to invite donors into your world, give them a deeper understanding of your work, and build a sense of community around your cause.

  • Fireside Chats and Educational Panels: Consider hosting a fireside chat on your mission or an educational panel that features community leaders, beneficiaries, or experts in your field. For example, if you run a family homeless shelter, you might host a poverty simulation activity or a panel discussion on reducing homelessness.

  • No Fundraising, Just Engagement: Like your email series, this event should be focused on engagement rather than fundraising. The goal is to educate and inspire your donors, making them feel even more connected to your mission.

  • Virtual Options: If an in-person event isn’t feasible, consider a virtual alternative. Webinars, live Q&A sessions, or virtual tours of your facility can be just as impactful and allow you to reach a wider audience.

Hosting a cultivation event in the fall helps to deepen your donors’ understanding of your mission, making them more likely to give generously when the holiday season arrives.

3. Share Insider News with Your Donors

Your donors are your organization’s biggest supporters—they should feel like insiders. Sharing exclusive news and updates with them not only keeps them informed but also makes them feel valued and involved.

  • Upcoming Initiatives: Share information about any new initiatives or programs you’ll be launching soon. Give your donors a sneak peek into what’s coming next and how their support will be crucial.

  • Program Results: Update your donors on the results of a recent program or project. Let them know what you’ve accomplished so far this year and how their contributions have played a part in that success.

  • Industry News: Consider sharing a recent study or piece of industry news that supports the importance of your work. This can help reinforce the need for your programs and the difference they’re making in the community.

These insider updates keep your donors in the loop and make them feel like a vital part of your organization’s success.

4. Send a Mid-Year Impact Report

September is an excellent time to send out a mid-year impact report. This report should provide a snapshot of your progress from January through July and highlight some of your biggest successes.

  • Service Numbers: Include data on how many people you’ve served, how many programs you’ve run, or how much progress you’ve made toward your annual goals. Be sure to use infographics to make this data easy to digest.

  • Success Stories: Include a few success stories that demonstrate the real-life impact of your work. These stories should be personal and relatable and highlight the difference your donors’ contributions have made.

  • Professional Design: Make sure your impact report is professionally designed and visually appealing. This is a reflection of your organization, so it should look polished and well-crafted.

A mid-year impact report is a powerful tool for showing donors that their support is making a real difference while also setting the stage for a strong year-end appeal.

Why Now?

If you haven’t had much time to steward your donors this year, September is the perfect time to start. By reporting back to your donors and showing radical generosity for their support, you can re-engage them and keep your organization top of mind as the holiday season approaches. These strategies not only demonstrate your impact but also build trust, foster deeper connections, and lay the groundwork for a successful year-end fundraising campaign.

Ready to Maximize Your Holiday Fundraising?

At Sprout Fundraising & Consulting, we specialize in helping nonprofits create and execute strategies that drive results. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn how we can help you demonstrate your impact and maximize your fundraising efforts this holiday season.

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